“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn."
-Dr. Maria Montessori
Primary Program
Ages 3 - 6 years old
Working with traditional Montessori materials, primary students develop foundational skills in math, science, reading, and writing. The uninterrupted 2.5 to 3 hour work cycle fosters self-discipline and the ability to concentrate. The primary lead guide and assistant observe each individual student's learnings and guide them on their developmental path. The Kindergarten peers become leaders and mentors to their younger peers. Love of learning, a sense of responsibility, and respect for community are captured in the primary years.
5 days/week
Full day option (8am-3pm)
Half day option (8am-12pm)
Beforecare & aftercare available (7:30am-4:30pm)
Children are toilet trained upon entering the class
Spanish language enrichment
Kindergarten students participate in music, drama, and boot camp enrichment programs

Kindergarten represents the final year of the 3-year primary experience. Kindergarteners assume a leadership role within the community and can help guide younger children through materials and help reinforce classroom expectations. This is the year when lessons learned over the past 2 years start to come together and become part of the child’s understanding. Your child will continue to progress at their own pace due to the individualized learning plans crafted by their teacher. Your child will begin to participate in enrichments such as Music, Spanish, History, Boot Camp, Art, and Gardening. Your child learns through hands on experiences, investigation, and research- we help instill a lifelong love of learning. We help teach your children that mistakes are setbacks are natural steps of the learning process.